What Are Clients Saying?

 Client Testimonials:


Below are a sampling of client testimonials. These women have graciously shared encouraging comments about the impact which Kathleen’s coaching, speaking, workshops and retreats have had on their lives, personal goals as well as their career success:


What Coach Kathleen's coaching clients are saying about working with her: 

"The greatest challenges that kept me awake at night were time management, prioritizing tasks and letting go of past hurts by my current colleagues. My favorite aspect of coaching … having a cheerleader other than my parents has been eye-opening. Kathleen sees strengths in me that I had forgotten or didn’t realize were there.  She boosts my confidence in genuine ways; it’s not trumped up.  She can actually cite examples to back up her accolades.   I have seen an improvement in my teaching evaluations as I’ve become more mindful of how I spend my time.  My health is improving because I’m taking steps to put more margin in my day—including conscious efforts to an earlier bedtime. I am less stressed out because I see that promotion is a reasonable achievement and within reach as I adhere to the steps I’m taking and grow stronger in the skills I’m building.” Anonymous


(Question: What inspired your to work with a coach?) I was around too much uncertainty and negativity that led me to take charge and work with a coach to see what is truly important. (Question: Favorite aspects of coaching?) I loved how my coach was on my side the entire time. Even when ... others ... disagreed my coach was there with me every step of the way to make me feel good about myself and where my life was going. Since working with my coach, I obtained two job offers and had to make a very important decision to which I was very comfortable making thanks to the tools I learned. I am now living on my own (for the first time) in a very nice apartment working with wonderful people and I couldn't be happier. I would have never thought this possible without the guidance and encouragement of my coach and the strengthening belief that God has a plan.  Samantha


I worked with coach Kathleen, when I needed some new direction in my life, because I was entering a new season in motherhood. Kathleen is a great encourager, and no dream is too big, or too silly for her to pursuit with Kathleen. So will be your biggest fan! She is also a great and safe listener, which is essential in discussing these issues of the heart. When you are setting new goals in your life, and when they are still in the brainstorm fase, you need a good confidant to talk to. Kathleen is that. I have set new goals for my personal life, my marriage, my business, and my motherhood, under Kathleen’s guidance, and would definitely recommend her to all of my friends.
Ruth S.


My greatest challenges were that I a) needed help organizing the priorities in promoting my book     b) needed to know how to promote my book and c) needed help thinking about my future as a writer. I was frustrated by focusing on the questions and not taking the time to prioritize the actions that needed to be taken. … Since coaching some of my tangible results were coming up with a promotional list and prioritizing it. And immediately I saw success by doing a book reading and signing at the school I graduated from—that was probably the best gift that your coaching gave me!  Sitting in auditorium with the whole school before me—kindergarten to seniors and getting to share the success of my book and what a key role that school played in my life was one of those moments in time you will never forget!  Thank you, Kathleen!”

 Larada Horner-Miller; Author, poet, essayist, Cognitive Coach, Masters in Education,  Albuquerque, New Mexico (Books: A Time to Grow Up. A Daughter's Grief Memoir, This Tumbleweed Landed, When Will Papa Get Home?Let Me Tell You A Story, Grammie's Kitchen Cookbook Series)


 Kathleen has a remarkable knack for listening between the lines and addressing the heart of an issue vs. addressing only the symptoms that I typically share. As a result of her gentle way of both celebrating victories -- no matter how small -- and pressing in on challenges --no matter how daunting, I am better able to appreciate the progress I'm making in several areas in my life. She is a gift from God to me! (Anonymous)



"She (Kathleen) has been able to reach into the hard places of my life with such gentleness and strength then guide me forward with enthusiasm and encouragement to follow my dreams and to be all that God has called me to be.”  K.P.


"My weekly telephone-meetings with Kathleen were like a drink of cool water which refreshed my spirit.  Her insight and wisdom gave me a fresh outlook on various issues occurring in my life; so I took notes and re-read them throughout the week which helped keep our talks fresh in my mind and gave me things to “chew” on during my quiet times.  Although I won’t be completed until I reach eternity, I feel like Kathleen helped me take significant steps forward which I would not have been able to do without her.  She is a gifted listener and seems to know just what I need to hear."  – CB


 "I have been honored to work with Kathleen as my Christian life coach. My goal from the out set was to gain a better perspective and acceptance of my current life situation.  After moving and giving up a full time job of 21 years, I found myself adrift due to a number of challenging events within our family.  With Kathleen's compassionate listening, gentle suggestions, insightful exercises and incredible prayers, I have been able to experience personal growth.  By the end of our sessions, I found myself much more comfortable and accepting of my situation.  God bless you, Kathleen!"     

HEB, Health Educator, Arizona 


Your insight and wisdom are refreshing, right on, and are perfectly timed for my needs.  Your inspirational guidance has been an integral part of helping me achieve my goals with confidence.  You have helped me to clarify my “Big Rocks”, and put into action what I need to without compromising my character. 1 Peter 4:10 (ASV) As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.    KK, Colorado  


 "I am pleased to extend and share my experience in coaching with Kathleen.  She is a professional, a listener and communicates well with everyone and always has available options.  Kathleen is a true example of a caring and compassionate Christian woman."  TB Colorado


"I thank you, Kathleen, for being God's helper to me at such a pivotal point in my life!  I'm so fortunate and blessed I can't even express it !!! ... I am still drawing upon the tools you have given me to help in my  healing/restoration.  ...  I read my bible as much as I can these days and love keeping close to Him and inviting Him to be my life. My life is so much more than I ever thought it could be now that God is part of everything I do. I really can't wait to see how He will work in my life next! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey."  JR,  New Mexico


"You helped me get started, listened to what was still 'brewing under the lid' for a pretty long time. You were by my side, praying for me and guiding me. Now I am unstoppable in Jesus' name! My book is being released in March 2017 ... Kathleen I am forever grateful for you showing up in my life by total 'God-incidence' when I needed you most! Thank you. Thank you!"  Lena Giffoni, Christian Life Coach and authors Return to Joyful Living: Reclaiming Life From Fear, Anxiety and Toxic Overthinking


"If you need someone who will listen wisely and non judgmentally, validate your concerns and fears as well as guide your steps in developing a more intimate and "healthy" relationship with God, Kathleen is an amazing life coach.  She has helped me refocus my priorities in the midst of trying to juggle a household of 5 and working 2 jobs as well as provide valuable Biblical resources to refer to as I try to evolve my prior ways of thinking and doing into words, thoughts and actions that are pleasing to God and Kingdom-focused in the long run!  God bless the work she does for His glory and for us women in today's busied culture."  AA Coaching Client



What Coach Kathleen's  speaking /workshop clients are saying about working with her:

One of our primary goals at Joni and Friends Family Retreat is to send the families home with new tools and resources to help them as they deal with the many life challenges they face due to disability.  This year, I think we rang the bell!  Kathleen came to the retreat and brought a Personal Retreat toolbox full of wonderful ideas.  For a couple of good hours, she taught our FR moms how to create their own little personal retreat… how to take care of themselves by drawing closer to the Lord.  What a blessing it was for me to hear the moms as they talked about how they were going to put into practice these new ideas.

          Delinda Carr
          Joni and Friends International Disability Ministry - Arizona
          Former Program Manager and Family Retreat Director


What Coach Kathleen's retreat clients are saying about working with her:

I loved the BE STILL Retreat. Most importantly I learned that HAVING quiet times with God is so essential and that it can be amazingly special. I also learned about HOW to keep my quiet time with the Lord. There are so many things you can do to grow and learn, and spending that time with the Lord can make miracles happen in your life. The Be Still Retreat taught me that just always remembering to make that time, is the beginning of knowing the Lord and myself in a stronger healthier amazingly special way.

  Vicki Anderholt


"Thanks for allowing God to use you in a mighty  way this past weekend."

Anonymous participant, Church Women's Retreat in Southern California


"Whether providing private counsel or serving as a group leader or guest speaker at a retreat, Kathleen Brooks  will gently and lovingly walk you closer to the Lord.  With her humor and her own personal stories of recovery and overcoming, you will feel and know the presence, and comfort of the Lord.   Kathleen leads one on an ever deepening and enriching love affair with the Lord.  Emily Dickenson once penned, “Truth must dazzle gradually, or every man be blind”.  Kathleen carefully and lovingly dazzles."

Nancy Conant,  women's church retreat participant Orange County,  CA.,  business owner: Conant Collaborative


What do some Personal Retreat Day clients have to say?

"My personal retreat day was everything I could have hoped for and so much more!  Based on a detailed but simple questionnaire Kathleen asked me to complete beforehand, she planned a totally relaxing day filled with sweet, sweet fellowship.  My day began with a beautiful lavender plant and the day’s itinerary presented to me when Kathleen picked me  up at my home.  She filled her car with the scent of lavender and beautiful music which turned our ‘drive time’ in to a totally relaxing spa on wheels!  We got on our way with a cup of java and a lovely drive up the coast to a charming little restaurant where we had a great lunch!  This was followed by more beautiful scenery in our ‘traveling day spa’ as we made our way to a lovely lavender farm!  From there we enjoyed more of the magnificent scenery and weather the Lord provided as we wound our way to Cachuma Lake before heading to Solvang to browse the many interesting shops and partake in a delicious dinner at another quaint restaurant.

Kathleen's thoughtful attention to detail made me feel completely pampered the entire day. Although, we enjoyed magnificent weather and scenery, I have no doubt that even if the weather had not cooperated the day would have been just as successful because of Kathleen's sweet companionship.              

CB, California


"Thank you for the most wonderful relaxing day of my life. Truly! I appreciate so much your diligent planning to make the day just right and geared for my thorough enjoyment. It was such a beautiful day for a drive up the coast and then inland to the tiny city of Ojai where we did some window shopping and sipped green tea at a quaint little eclectic shop/tea house. Then, you drove me around the beautiful green Ojai hills and to my delight right into the world-famous Ojai Mission Inn where we had a delicious gourmet lunch by the pool. The Spanish architecture was spectacular with fountains and outside fireplaces all around. When we checked into the spa, it was the most luxurious, huge place to be pampered that I have ever seen. I felt like royalty ..... The inside spa and plush lounge chairs beckoned, and I loved just lounging and talking, drinking fresh water with floating lemons, sipping tea and eating apples the spa provided in beautiful bowls. Thank you for the most incredible pedicure I have ever had. It was a miracle that I fell asleep, which I am sure is due to the anti-gravity chairs the spa had just acquired, along with the aromatherapy and soothing eye patch and quiet beautiful music in the background. .... I have never experienced such fabulous service there. To top off the evening, I loved the place you picked out for dinner, out of the way, but dramatic as we came upon The Farmhouse Restaurant. The quail salad was incredible, and I felt like I was in a plush area like Hawaii. Thanks again such an incredible day!"

Comments by M. S. after her Personal Retreat Day



Lord willing, similar benefits await when you decide to invite me to serve and coach you in  strategic ways or speak to your group in person or via Zoom.  My goal would be to support your obedience to the call on your life thus  transformation as you courageously follow His direction.  Contact me to set up you Free Discovery Session today!




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