From the Desk of Kathleen

I was born and raised on a working cattle ranch that straddled Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico. Family, church, 4-H, sports, and school were the cornerstones of my upbringing, shaping my values and worldview.

I became a committed follower and personal believer in Jesus Christ during my senior year of high school. When I went off to college, the trajectory of my life was set through my deepening faith and active involvement with the Navigator and Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) Ministries. What an adventure it has been ever since! These experiences not only shaped my understanding of discipleship but also guided me on an incredible journey as I pursued my degree in Education and beyond.

I have been blessed to share my life with my college sweetheart for over four decades, and together, we've been active members of our church for just about as long. We have a deep love for travel and have sought out the mountains we adore in over twelve different countries.

Raising our two amazing sons, who married our beautiful daughters-in-law, has been one of our greatest joys. Between them, they have blessed us with five precious grandsons and one precious granddaughter. Our personal family, our extended family, church family, and close friends, are central to our lives, providing us with countless cherished memories. And, of course, I adore spending time with our little Morkie dog, Ber, who brings me so much joy during our walks.

Courage has been a recurring theme in my life, forged by the Lord through decades of trials and triumphs. Our marriage began with an extraordinary event: just four months after our wedding, my husband was lost in a blizzard in the Rocky Mountains following a commercial plane crash. Miraculously, he was found alive, though with a broken back, from which he has since fully recovered.

A year later, we faced another challenge when a house fire occurred. Shortly after, we welcomed our first son, Nathan, who was born three months premature, weighing only 2 lbs. 6 oz. Nathan spent 15 months in the ICU and came home with us for three months on a respirator and other medical support systems. Despite our best efforts, Nathan passed away from heart failure at 18 months old, and grief and fear became my constant companions.

This painful chapter was followed by my battles with breast cancer, which I have survived three times, along with other significant health challenges. These experiences, each with the potential to alter my life in profound ways, have brought fear into my life—both then and now. And they have also, by God's grace, taught me what it looks like to build courage to do hard things ... as I trust Him and lean into the challenge.

To overcome this fear, I have immersed myself in:

  1. The Lord and His Word.

  2. The study of Courage, Influence, and Leadership.

My passion for helping other women cultivate courage, steadfastness, and leadership led to the birth of my coaching practice and speaking business. I am dedicated to working with women who, like me, seek to grow in these areas and make a meaningful impact in their lives, families, and communities ... and ultimately for God's glory.