Nice to meet you


I personally know the deep need for courage to face hard life battles, fight for your dreams and do hard things while following your passion and the Lord’s call on your life.

I am a Christian woman, a follower of Jesus Christ, with country roots-and-boots.

I am a grateful survivor of heartache, heartbreak, and cancer ... among other life battles.

I am an entrepreneur, a businesswoman, a wife, mom, mom-in-law, Granma, daughter, sister, aunt and friend.

As a professional speaker and a Master Certified Christian Life Coach my focus is to help women build their courage which I have learned about from not just my own experiences in life but from working with many women for decades.

I am fiercely committed to inspiring, guiding and working with women who are in life battles of many kinds. I typically speak to and work with women willing to do battle with their fears, and fight for their dreams to Do Hard Things. These are women warriors who own their need to build courage in their personal lives, in their leadership responsibilities, in their professional lives and in their calling.

Are you or your organization looking for building blocks to gear-up and get equipped for courageous growth and transformation?

My passion and specialty is encouraging women to lean into their relationship with Jesus, trust Him at His Word and boldly do the hard things they are being called to do.

I absolutely love watching women build their courage, grow and become warriors for their dreams and against their fears.

I am here to help you too!

Bits and Pieces of My Story ... Pictures speak a 1000 words

  • Each one of us is God’s special work of art. Through us, He teaches and inspires, delights and encourages, informs and uplifts all those who view our lives.”— Joni Eareckson Tada

  • "Courage is a habit and like all habits, it can be learned." Margie Warrell

  • "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." Winston Churchill

  • "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden

  • "When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes more powerful." Malala Yousafzai

  • "Every act of bravery stems from a decision to make a stand for something that's bigger than yourself and more important than your emotional comfort or pride." Margie Warrell

  • "I've learned to always take on things I'd never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist." Ginni Rometty, Executive Chariman, IBM

  • "It’s time to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death." Mark Batterson

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9 ESV

“Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

My methods



I believe that everything begins and ends with prayer. I believe we are to humbly invite the Lord to direct the coaching conversation through the work of the Holy Spirit, to submit to His Will directed by His Word, to see and be grateful for His blessings, and to be transformed by His intervention ... often through His Word.

Clarify. Challenge. Encourage.

In coaching I do focus on understanding your story. Personally, I also believe in challenging growth. I agree that "Growth and comfort can't ride the same horse." It is not my goal to make you comfortable. I will challenge and encourage you to grow and change ... to lean in, listen to the Lord and obey Him. Full surrender. Full stop.


Everything in coaching hinges on truly leaning in to listen— actively and intuitively -- listening with the client's agenda at the forefront. Being genuinely heard is a powerful experience, one that is surprisingly rare. When someone is fully present, deeply interested in your words, and eager to understand, you feel seen and heard. This experience of our story being listened to allows individuals to grow and change; it makes them feel more secure, safer, and fosters trust. This is why listening is the cornerstone of effective coaching and a primary focus for me in my practice.

Move Forward

My goal is simply to help the client move forward to where God calls them to be—in their situation, their decisions, their focus, their relationships, their career, their health, and their walk with Him.

"Every Day Do One Thing That Scares You." (Favorite Refrigerator Magnet)

"Coaches are both change agents and constants agents. They help people see what needs to change and what needs to remain constant and unchanging."

Richard J. Leider, career development coach, author of The Power of Purpose

girl reading book

Trying my best to learn

I believe that education, training, and affiliations are important components of a coaching practice,

personal growth, and inspiration:


  • Certified as a Christian Life Coach and Professional Life Coach in 2008 through Professional Christian Coaching and Counseling Academy ( as well as having the distinction of being Master Certified through Professional Christian Coaching and Counseling Academy also in 2008 ( Plus, specialty certifications through including Joy Restoration, Grief Coaching and Stress Relief Coaching.

  • Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach, Speaker, and Trainer see

  • ​​eSpeakers: Certified Virtual Presenter and Certified Virtual Host

  • ​Professional Life Coaching Certified, Light University/AACC

  • Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education (Teaching Degree) through Colorado State University



Professional Associations


Member of ICCI : International Christian Coaching Institute

From their website: "The International Christian Coaching Institute is a dynamic, faith-based network of Christian Life Coaches dedicated to serving others with compassion and competence. ICCI coaches use biblical principles to assist clients in setting and achieving their goals through a collaborative partnership that addresses the whole person."

Member of AACC: Amercian Association of Christian Counselors

Private Coaching Practice since 2008 Build Your Courage Speaking and Coaching.

I have the privilege of being part of the New Life Ministries Nationwide Network of Certified Christian Coaches who "look forward to encouraging you and developing strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving dreams."

One of the Women's Ministry Team Leaders at my local church where my husband and I have been members over four decades.

I served at our sons' Christian High School, Hillcrest Christian School in Thousand Oaks, CA, on the School Board as a Member, and as a parent as PFA President and in other capacities.

woman in black coat using MacBook
woman in black coat using MacBook

Have any questions?

If you or your organization are looking to strengthen your ability to face difficult challenges, I would love to explore how I can assist. Through personalized coaching sessions or impactful speaking engagements, I focus on empowering individuals and teams to build the courage needed to take on hard things and achieve remarkable outcomes.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss potential opportunities.

Looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Thank you but please ... no vendor solicitations. My team is assembled.

Becky Nordquist

"Kathleen is an absolute delight to work with. Her story is a beautiful testament to rising above what seems impossible and soaring in freedom. With humility and love she offers hope, encouragement, and a vision to thrive and not just to survive the difficult circumstances in life. What a joy and pleasure it has been getting to know her and work with her to bring hope into a hurting world."

Speaker, author, worship leader, songwriter, and recording artist and co-host of the Music for the Soul.podcast,

Nancy Conant

"Whether providing private counsel or serving as a group leader or guest speaker at a retreat, Kathleen Brooks will gently and lovingly walk you closer to the Lord. With her humor and her own personal stories of recovery and overcoming, you will feel and know the presence, and comfort of the Lord. Kathleen leads one on an ever deepening and enriching love affair with the Lord. Emily Dickenson once penned, “Truth must dazzle gradually, or every man be blind”. Kathleen carefully and lovingly dazzles."

Women's church retreat participant at Rosewood Church, Orange County, CA.,

Business Owner: Conant Collaborative

Happy clients


Delinda Carr
Julie Shannon

"One of our primary goals at Joni and Friends Family Retreat is to send the families home with new tools and resources to help them as they deal with the many life challenges they face due to disability. This year, I think we rang the bell! Kathleen came to the retreat and brought a Personal Retreat toolbox full of wonderful ideas. For a couple of good hours, she taught our FR moms how to create their own little personal retreat… how to take care of themselves by drawing closer to the Lord. What a blessing it was for me to hear the moms as they talked about how they were going to put into practice these new ideas."

Joni and Friends International Disability

Ministry - Arizona, Former Program Manager and Family Retreat Director

"Kathleen visited our school to share her wisdom and encouragement with our Christian families. The parents who attended her talk were blessed beyond measure! Kathleen was warm, professional, and organized. She set a lovely table to greet her attendees which helped them to feel welcomed and expected. It really is the first impression that is so important! Kathleen shared her own personal journal with vulnerability sprinkled with humor. She then encouraged the moms (and dads) in attendance to "stay the Christian course" as difficult as that may seem in today's culture. Kathleen utilized scripture, love, and motherly wisdom all throughout her presentation. The families of Bethany Christian School are wiser for having heard from Kathleen! Thank you greatly!"

Head of School, Bethany Christian School
Podcast Interview with Steve Siler and Becky Nordquist

"How Women Can Build Courage by Trusting in Christ"

Podcast Interview with Kathleen on Courage.

Kathleen Writes ... "More Beautiful" Discussion Guide

I had the privilege of writing the Discussion Guide that accompanies the inspiring resource More Beautiful, which is designed for those battling breast cancer as well as the spouses and caregivers who support them.

This resource is available through "Created from the real life stories of breast cancer survivors this award-winning DVD and CD set is support and encouragement for the woman going through breast cancer and provides understanding for the husband and family who loves her."

This guide, along with other songs, videos, written guides, and resources on this Christian Healing Music website, were crafted by individuals who have personally faced these tough challenges, as well as by professionals. "The results are honest and real, offering a path to healing and the promise of hope."